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Monday, June 2, 2014

Space Exploration its Colonisation by Humans!


Human Mind is ever thinking of past present and future. A new chapter of evolution in the Space journey is being probed. Our imaginary travel to the different planet like Mars and Moon in our science fiction stories have proved  real life Mission.     

We are literally in the race of Star Trekking. Our Mars Orbitor Mission Mangalyan was launched successfully in Earths Orbit on 5th Nov 2013, by the Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) Its expected to enter Mars orbit around 24 sep. 2014    


The mission is a “technology demonstrator” project aiming to develop the technologies required for design, planning, management, and operations of an interplanetary mission.


The luminous threat Earth had suffered from Asteroids before and further still.. From Natural calamiities and Manmade destruction are looming ahead A potential future habitable world for our species, exploration to Mars and Moon is taking place.

Should the humans survive the Nuclear threat etc& with the rate of exponential technical advancement it is predicted that we can colonize space till the end of this century. The number of artificial settelites zooming in space and an International Space station built will help in our colonisation in space mission.


Planet Mars and our Natural satellite Moon seems the nearest celestial bodies where humans can colonize. By chemical engineeering (Terraforming), making their unhabitable envionment into habitable zone for humans. Its not an easy task. It might take yea


We can think of colonising celestial bodies of our ‘Solar system’ only. Outside our Solar System the nearest star to our Earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.243 light years aways from Earth. It would takes years to travel to the stars, their distances are unimaginably far.

In the future at some point, our space exploration and colonising there will become a necessity for the survival of our species(future generation) and Planet Earth both.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Cosmic Intelligence

Intellect is a term used in studies of the human mind, and refers to the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems. Historically the term comes from the Greek philosophical term nous, which was translated into Latin as intellectus (derived from the verb intelligere) and into French (and then English) as intelligence…Wikipedia

According to some thinkers..This universe is evolved by mere an accident, and the life is evolved from a single cell the protozoa four billion years ago. Due to mutation in the cell different organisms were evolved. Human beings are the highest evolution of Nature. We can receive the components already in Nature thru our five sense organs
“The proof that intelligence exists everywhere?… is that we have it! We would have absolutely no intelligence if it did not already exist in nature.Image

We cannot build our intelligence, it comes to us from the universe…..(The human intellect and cosmic Intelligence by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov,)

ImageIn the universe, on the one hand, planets move so beautifully in order. There are no traffic signs or sign signboards! On the other hand, there is so much of chaos if you look at all the stars and galaxies moving in their own independent paths. In the same way, in quantum physics , the smallest elements are not even particles. They are both particles and waves, and a multitude of probabilities ! But there is an order in that chaos.

ImageIf the universe is chaos without any order, it’ll head towards destruction. ‘Chaos in order’ is ‘cosmic intelligence’ . Take the planet earth. Even if a single thing is missing – temperature, water, air or fire we will not be able to live on this planet earth as we live now. So this is not just an accident. The whole chaos has some order.

Swami Vivekanand quoted about cosmic Intelligence in his writings :
We see, that nothing can be created out of nothing. Everything exists through eternity, and will exist through eternity.
Image That every evolution is preceded by an involution. The seed is the father of the tree, but another tree was itself the father of the seed. The seed is the fine form out of which the big tree comes, and another big tree was the form which is involved in that seed. The whole of this universe was present in the cosmic fine universe. The little cell, which becomes afterwards the man, was simply the involved man and becomes evolved as a man.

Only the movement is in succeeding waves and hollows, going back to fine forms, and coming out into gross manifestations. This involution and evolution is going on throughout the whole of nature.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Are The Humans Still Evolving?

The Homo Sapiens:

My earlier article on ‘Human Evolution’Due to the morphological and anatomical similarities between the apes and humans, scientists believed that the great apes were the closest biological relatives of human beings dated 11 nov2013 the process of evolution in humans continues even now


  It is taking place in a slow pace, thats why we are not able to notice the evolutionary changes. According to Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium’, changes which take place due to evolution are a mathematical necessity. These changes may get interrupted or influenced only by mutations, natural selection, gene flow, or non-random mating.

 Humans just like any other species are subject to the forces of Nature and are still evolving physically and biologically too.
Cultivation: Cultivation was a major aspect in evolving mankind. Their social life, physical labour and intellect developed largely. The surplus food produced from agriculture secured a stable life from nomadic life and fight hunger and ill of starvation deaths.


Multi-Ethnic people: Earlier, due to lack of transportation and education the mixing of people their interaction , marriages was very less. Today, the interaction between the isolated populations of the world too has increased. Genetic differences observed in different races would eventually disappear with time, due to the fact of more and more interracial breeding.

Loosing of wisdom teeth: . As compared to our ancestors it is estimated that 35% of the population is loosing wisdom teeth. This is due to the fact modern day humans eat food that are easy to chew. Our jaws have reduced in size and there is no space left for the wisdom teeth.

 Brain Shrinkage: The scientist have observed that our brains have shrunk from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cubic centimeters in past 5000 years. Different theories interpret changes taking place in the brain in different ways. Some of these theories suggest that the shrinking of the brain has made us dumber. However, there also are theories which state that reduction in the size of brain is making our brain work faster.

Blue Eyes : Earlier, all human beings had brown-colored eyes. It was 10,000 years ago that humans developed a mutation which turned their brown eyes blue. People residing in the regions near the Black Sea are said to have developed these mutations. This is simply a form of evolution. With the advance of Technology man has learnt about our universe, about the laws of Nature. new discovries can take mankind to the other celestial worlds. The human brain is fast evolving making us more highly evolved species on earth.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

ettv-image“When you lose touch with inner stillness, 
you lose touch with yourself. 
When you lose touch with yourself, 
you lose yourself in the world.  
Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, 
is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am
 that is deeper than name and form.”

Eckhart Tolle


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pt.Rajan Mishra and Pt.Sajan Mishra-a composition from tulsi ramayan

Pandit Gajananbuwa sings Raga 'Chhayanat'.

Raag Chhayanat - Pandit D.V. Paluskar


Raag Chhayanat - Pandit D.V. Paluskar


GREAT RENDERINGS 2-RAAG CHAYANAT-vidushi veena sahasrabuddhe-chayanat

GREAT RENDERINGS 2-RAG CHAYANAT-ustad bade ghulam ali khan-raag chayanat 2.


GREAT RENDERINGS 2-RAAG CHAYANAT-pt.kaivalyakumar gurav-raag chayanat 2

GREAT RENDERINGS 2-RAAG CHAYANAT-pt.kaivalyakumar gurav-raag chayanat 2

THE COLOURS OF YAMAN-5 pt.kaivalyakumar gurav

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Godh Bharai

Godh Bharai!

I was indisposed for some time.  I was recuperating from my illness,  when the door bell rang.  I slowly got out and opened my door.  My neighbor Mrs. D had invited me for  ‘godh bharai’  fuction in the eve.  Her daughter in law’s Seventh month of pregnancy was to be celebrated followed by bhajans(ladies sangeet.)     
Godh bharai is a baby shower celebrated during pregnancy to welcome the unborn baby to the family and bless the mother-to-be with abundant joys of motherhood. In Hindi, godh bharai literally means to 'fill the lap' with abundance. Traditionally godh-bharai is a women-only gathering.

I was excited to attend.  So I dressed up and knocked her door at the invited time.  Lots of women and children in colorful sarees and dresses, had gathered. No sooner I presented the rose bunch, an aroma of rose essence filled the drawing room.  She, (mom-to-be) looked beautiful in the embroidered silk saree.  The jewellery added charm, her hairs were neatly spread over her shoulders.  Ladies one by one applied kumkum tilak and garlanded her with fresh flowers.  Sweets and dry fruits and five kinds of fresh fruits were neatly tucked in her lap, blessing the unborn child and  the pregnant mum-to-be.  A silver thali and bouls filled with different delicious dishes were offered to her.  She barely tasted them and was summoned for relaxation.  The hub-ub had created exhaustion.

India is rich in traditions in diverse cultures .

 Each community has religious culture. They may differ slightly but the essence remains the same to bless the unborn baby and shower the pregnant mum to be with blessings and gifts. 
The new generation is going for western culture.  But ,when it involves the family, traditions are followed though with brief sermons.  The whole community gets together .. big or small young or old all enjoy the family functions with much fanfare. 
It’s a joyous get together forgetting the materialistic world the inbetween misunderstanding…quarrels. 
The sound of the dholak reverberated.  A rhythm created …mellow voices sounded in praise of almighty.
Spirits elated, one transcends the path of devotion, with ease.  The creator of this beautiful Universe is evoked with love,to bless the unborn child and his mother.
Infant’s life sleeps in the womb of the Mother.  The pangs of pregnancy are clear on her face.  The tired eyes needs rest for a short while. All twenty four hours and nine months  she carries her child with smile.  Ushering ‘him’ or ‘her’ to this beautiful world of Existence. 
None can explain this Magical Mystery of Birth.  How did life breathe in the foetus. 
Similarly how life emerged in the womb of Mother Nature.  N no of theories and researchers will go on and on   discoveries after discoveries will unearth the hidden treasures of Nature but …how life breathed in the cell remains unanswered. Reminising Rabindranath Tagores verses:
“I cannot remember my Mother,…..

but when in the early autumn morning

the smell of the shiuli flowers floats in the air,

the scent of the morning service in the

temple comes to me as the scent of my mother.

I cannot remember my mother

only when from bedroom window

I send my eyes into the blue of the distant sky,

I feel that the stillness of my mother's gaze on my face

has spread all over the sky.”

We are left with respect, and folded hand to the Creator
A  humble prayer,  WHO AM I ?  WHY AM I HERE ? Oh! Mother I love YOU!

By Prajakta Dighe

Natural Satellites of Our Solar System:

Parent Planet Earth.
A Natural satellite or Moon is a celestial body which orbits a planet.  Our Moon  is a Natural Satellite, it orbits the Planet Earth.  It’s the first moon Humans ever observed.  But during 1950 ,only close glimpse of its surface was observed.  In 1969  American men  stepped on the moon.  A small step for man but was a giant leap for Mankind.
·  Distance to Earth: 384,400 km
·  Gravity: 1.622 m/s²
·  Orbital period: 27 days
·  Age: 4.527 billion years
·  Circumference: 10,917 km
·  Orbits: Earth


Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. It is the only natural satellite known to have a dense atmosphere, and the only object other than Earth for which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found.  Titan resembles a frozen version of Earth several billions years ago. The moon is enveloped by an orange haze, which hindered the study of its surface.  But in 2004 onwards the spacecraft Cassini has revealed its whole new dimensions.
Distance to Earth: 1,272,000,000 km
Gravity: 1.352 m/s²
Orbital period: 16 days
Discovered: March 25, 1655
Orbits: Saturn
Discoverer: Christiaan Huygens


Parent Planet: Jupiter
Why You Should Know it: Despite being covered by distinctive, criss-crossing cracks and ridges, Europa's water-ice surface is largely free of craters, making it perhaps the smoothest solid body in the entire solar system. More interesting than Europa's frozen exterior, however, is what lies hidden beneath it.
·  ·  Gravity: 1.315 m/s²
·  Distance to Earth: 628,300,000 km
·  Orbital period: 85 hours
·  Discovered: January 8, 1610

Moon: Triton

Parent Planet: Neptune
Why You Should Know it: Of all the biggest, "major" moons in the solar system, Triton is the only one that orbits in a direction opposite that of its parent planet's rotation. Astrophysicists call this a "
retrograde orbit," and it's typical of moons that have been "captured" by their parent planet.
·  ·  Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune, discovered on October 10, 1846, by English astronomer William Lassell.
·  ·  Orbital period: 141 hours
·  Discovered: 1846
·  Gravity: 0.779 m/s²
·  Distance to Earth: 4,338,000,000 km
·  Discoverer: William Lassell
The innermost  planet Mercury has no moons.  Venus has no Moons.
Earth has one moon the largest Moon of any  rocky Planet in the Solar System.  Mars has two known moons , the Phobos and Diemos. Jupitor has 67 known moons. Saturn has 62 Moons .Uranus has 27 named Moons. Neptune has 14 named moons. Among dwarf planets Ceres has no .  moons . Pluto has five moons. 
Haumea has two moons, Namaka and Hi'iaka
Makemake has no known moons.