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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Awakening!

Hello friends i am back after a prolonged illness. Viewing life on the bed was altogether a different experience. I could feel the touch of my nurse her loving and caring hands seemed most beautiful. she reminded me of Florence Nightingale who attended the wounded persons for hours.. my doctor who seemed to me the man of worship after God the Almighty. A new light shone on my inward eye......a Bliss of Solitude William Wordsworth!
As I tread the known paths the known streets after months my heart fills with joy . The morning sunrise the bells ringing in the Temple .. herald the Omnipresense of Him . The chirping of the birds sounds like the singing of the nightingales... The cool breeze kissing my new face fluttering the butts hanging on my forehead .I have something to say.. This is Paradise! I had missed... The Heavens resides in YOU itself and Nowhere.. Take a Dip and sevour a drop atleast!

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